Live Instagram: ‘Surviving School as an Autistic’autism career pathways logo

Live Instagram: ‘Surviving School as an Autistic’

Maisie Soetantyo



January 29, 2021





surviving school as an autistic - chat with gita

Hi everyone!!

I have a very special guest on my Live IG tomorrow night (Saturday 1/30/21) at 8 PM PST/11 PM EST/Sunday 11 am WIB.

To continue this month’s topic on school, Gita Sjahrir @gitasees and I will be chatting about our school experiences. Gita is an openly autistic Indonesian entrepreneur who grew up in the US. This is a unique opportunity to ask two autistic adults who used to be students, what their experiences were with growing up neurodiverse in high school and college. With sensory, communication, social and learning challenges, being in school is definitely challenging!

Gita is a co-founder of R Fitness and a successful entrepreneur who owned two start ups. When I listen to her, I feel so proud to be a fellow autie, it is so true that autistic people are so resilient! I hope to see you there!

Look for it on my personal Instagram page

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