Coffee Chat with Erin McKinney
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Coffee Chat with Erin McKinney
A few of you know that my long time special interest is sports, particularly professional basketball and football! Tomorrow (Friday) at 4 pm PST/7 pm EST I will be interviewing Erin McKinney @erin_mckinney1 on Live Instagram. Erin is an autistic Basketball Operations Assistant for the Memphis Grizzlies!!
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Imagine if every professional sports team openly hires autistic talents like Erin?? Golden State Warriors and other teams, ACP can show you how! @warriors @49ers @sfgiants @sanjosesharks @athletics
Come join us to hear Erin’s story! Erin you got my dream job, watching a lot of basketball!! Thanks @memgrizz for sharing your inclusivity hiring initiative with us! #hiringautistics #autismemployment #autistic #autisticadults #autisticpride #autismacceptance
Date: June 11, 2021
Time: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Cost: Free
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